PSYCH-K® and Coaching

I offer online Coaching and PSYCH-K® sessions to help with self-confidence, and awareness, inner peace, anxiety and well-being. You can fine more details in the Online Sessions Tab.


I am a qualified Heal Your Life Coach and Training in the Louise Hay philosophy. Louise Hay has inspired millions of people around the world to take responsibility for their own contentment and happiness by simply choosing a new thought pattern. Our beliefs, and thoughts about ourselves and other people directly can affect our emotional wellbeing as well as what we attract into our lives.

PSYCH-K® - What is it and how does it work?

PSYCH-K® is a simple and direct way to quickly allow you to identify and change self-limiting beliefs that may be holding you back in life. These beliefs are usually held at the subconscious level and are often ‘learnt’ beliefs from other people or organisations (parents, authority figures, workplace, schools etc). We learn, and believe, these beliefs by repeating them over and over until they become hardwired in our brain.

It is a non-invasive, interactive process of change with a proven record of success for over 30 years. A simple, yet powerful process to change subconscious beliefs that are self-limiting. 

PSYCH-K® provides a user-friendly way to rewrite the ‘software’ of our mind by detecting and changing beliefs that sabotage us into beliefs that support us, through a quick and easy process of Balances. 

A PSYCH-K® Balance creates the potential to change a limiting belief into an enhancing belief which supports you. Your actions, once the balance has been done, creates the results you want. PSYCH-K® is like a car; it doesn’t decide where you should go, it just gets you there. In other worlds PSYCH-K® doesn’t choose what you should believe – it helps you believe what you choose.

Kinesiology, or muscle testing, as it is often known is used to establish a communication system, which can be an accurate detector of subconscious truths held within us. Life experiences often trigger a dominance of left or right brain reaction to particular situations or sets of circumstances. PSYCH-K® facilitates integration/’cross talk’ between the hemispheres of the left and right brain, creating a whole-brained state, ideal for changing self-limiting beliefs in to more self-enhancing ones. 

PSYCH-K® is popularly characterised as a spiritual process with psychological and physical benefits. While the term ‘psych’ is often used as an abbreviation for ‘psychology’ in PSYCH-K® it is used as a variant spelling of the word psyche, meaning ‘mind’ ‘soul’ or ‘spirit’. The letter ‘K’ represents the Key to sustainable success.

IMPORTANT – Please note that a PSYCH-K® or a Coaching session
Is not designed to diagnose medical problems.
It is not a replacement for medical care or advice.
It is not a replacement for professional mental health care.

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